Cyngn Launches Dealer Network for Industrial Autonomous Vehicles, Expanding Its Market Reach
With multiple partners already signed, Cyngn’s DriveMod solutions are now better positioned to reach a growing base of new customers across North...
With multiple partners already signed, Cyngn’s DriveMod solutions are now better positioned to reach a growing base of new customers across North...
Deadline for Cyngn stockholders to receive stock dividend benefit is October 19, 2023.
Since August 2023, Cyngn has been granted six additional patents, bringing the total US patents granted to 16.
With the launch of its autonomous vehicle consultancy, Cyngn enables OEMs and other industrial organizations to spearhead new autonomous vehicle...
Cyngn announces establishment of ex-dividend date for stock dividend.
Cyngn has taken a leap toward addressing the ongoing labor shortage crisis with its recent partnership with Arauco, as reported by Forbes in August...
Cyngn announced the issuance of a new patent, expanding our total number of U.S. patents to 15.
Cyngn decares pro rata dividend of common stock.
South Carolina to serve as the hub for electrification and automation expansion.
Cyngn will be towing parts at a large facility that uses hundreds of work vehicles to support manufacturing of hundreds of machines per day.