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Compare Cyngn
vs. OTTO Motors

In order to work smarter and get more done, it’s important that you pick the correct industrial autonomous vehicle solution. So, how do you choose the best AV provider for your business?

Below, you can directly compare Cyngn with OTTO Motors. By placing both options next to each other, you can better decide which provider is best for your automation needs. 


How Does Cyngn Compare to OTTO Motors?

Cyngn's Autonomous Stockchaser OTTO 1500

Works with your existing vehicles?


Brings AV technology to time-tested vehicles?


Towing capacity?

6,000 lbs
4,190 lbs

Tows multiple carts?


Works in both manual and autonomous modes?


Pricing model?

Deployment Fee + Monthly Subscription
Outright Vehicle Purchase or Lease

Empowering Your Organization with Fleet Optionality.

Our AV technology is equally available as a retrofit on existing industrial vehicles or as a new upgrade to newly purchased ones.

At Cyngn, we understand that each organization is unique and has its own set of needs when it comes to an AV deployment. Therefore, our deployments are customized to match your unique requirements. Plus, you can manage and monitor your self-driving vehicles, no matter the vehicle type, via a single and straightforward FMS.


Rely on the Proven Performance of a Trusted Vehicle.

Unlike OTTO Motors, our industrial autonomous vehicle technology is integrated into commercially available vehicles that have been trusted by industries for years.

You can remain confident in the reliability of an industrial vehicle that has been extensively tested and successfully implemented across various industrial applications. In comparison to a brand new AV type, these time-tested vehicles come with established infrastructure and support systems, ensuring a seamless transition to industrial automation.


Boost Productivity with a Greater Towing Capacity.

Cyngn’s DriveMod Stockchaser outperforms the OTTO 1500 by towing significantly heavier loads.

Unlock greater productivity in repetitive hauling workflows with our impressive towing capacity of 6,000 lbs. By moving larger quantities in a single trip, you will not only save valuable time, but workers will be able to focus on more important tasks. As a result, your team will experience improved operational efficiency and increased throughput.


Integrate AV Technology into Any Industrial Vehicle.

At Cyngn, our integration process is designed to be very straightforward and adaptable.

Unlike OTTO Motors, our AV technology can be easily implemented into the most specialized  industrial vehicle types across numerous applications, from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers.

This means you don’t have to worry about seeking multiple providers or investing in different systems for your different vehicle types. Instead, you can trust our comprehensive solution that can work with nearly any vehicle after an integration process.


What to Consider When Choosing an Autonomous Vehicle Solution

What’s the deployment process?

When considering an AV solution for your business, prioritize a provider that offers a streamlined deployment process. Seek out a solution that effortlessly integrates into your current infrastructure, mitigating any sort of interruptions to daily operations and your workforce. Ask questions about the providers training and support services and how your team will maximize the value of your investment.

Should I work with legacy OEMs or new entrants?

For those interested in investing in self-driving vehicles with a long-standing market presence, choosing a provider that brings automation to legacy industrial vehicles is often the go-to choice. Ask questions about the support systems that are in place and the track record of reliability and excellence to make an informed decision.

What are the safety features in place?

Prioritize safety when selecting your AMR provider. Look for an AMR equipped with advanced safety features and a provider with well-defined safety protocols. Make sure to ask about features like collision avoidance systems, emergency braking, obstacle detection, and communication lights during your evaluation.

What is the pricing model?

Autonomous vehicle solutions vary in their payment structures. Some providers mandate upfront purchases, whereas others present a more predictable and flexible subscription model with monthly fees. Consider the expenses and if you’re looking for the ability to scale your fleet up or down.


See What Our Customers Are Saying

Ken Morris | VP at Global Logistics & Fulfillment

"The bottom line is DriveMod has made us more productive. Instead of manually moving goods through the warehouse, our team can stay focused on picking, packing, and other high-value assignments."

Joseph Peterson | GM & Plant Manager at Flambeau

"Cyngn unlocks the potential for us to increase throughput and decrease time to market from the manufacturing floor. We’re excited for increased profitability and to get to market faster than competitors."

The above illustration is being provided for general informational purposes only. Cyngn Inc. (“Cyngn”) does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Cyngn is not affiliated or related to OTTO Motors in any way. The information regarding OTTO Motors' OTTO 1500 is based on Cyngn’s data and good faith research and the information is subject to change.